6.11. Incorporating Verilog Blocks
Working with existing Verilog IP is an integral part of many chip design flows. Fortunately, both Chisel and Chipyard provide extensive support for Verilog integration.
Here, we will examine the process of incorporating an MMIO peripheral that uses a Verilog implementation of Greatest Common Denominator (GCD) algorithm. There are a few steps to adding a Verilog peripheral:
Adding a Verilog resource file to the project
Defining a Chisel
representing the Verilog moduleInstantiating the
and interfacingRegField
entriesSetting up a chip
that use the peripheral
6.11.1. Adding a Verilog Blackbox Resource File
As before, it is possible to incorporate peripherals as part of your own generator project. However, Verilog resource files must go in a different directory from Chisel (Scala) sources.
For this concrete GCD example, we will be using a GCDMMIOBlackBox
Verilog module that is defined in the chipyard
project. The Scala
and Verilog sources follow the prescribed directory layout.
6.11.2. Defining a Chisel BlackBox
A Chisel BlackBox
module provides a way of instantiating a module
defined by an external Verilog source. The definition of the blackbox
includes several aspects that allow it to be translated to an instance
of the Verilog module:
field: a bundle with fields corresponding to the portlist of the Verilog module.A constructor parameter that takes a
from Verilog parameter name to elaborated valueOne or more resources added to indicate Verilog source dependencies
Of particular interest is the fact that parameterized Verilog modules can be passed the full space of possible parameter values. These values may depend on elaboration-time values in the Chisel generator, as the bitwidth of the GCD calculation does in this example.
Verilog GCD port list and parameters
module GCDMMIOBlackBox
#(parameter WIDTH)
input clock,
input reset,
output input_ready,
input input_valid,
input [WIDTH-1:0] x,
input [WIDTH-1:0] y,
input output_ready,
output output_valid,
output reg [WIDTH-1:0] gcd,
output busy
Chisel BlackBox Definition
class GCDMMIOBlackBox(val w: Int) extends BlackBox(Map("WIDTH" -> IntParam(w))) with HasBlackBoxResource {
val io = IO(new GCDIO(w))
6.11.3. Instantiating the BlackBox and Defining MMIO
Next, we must instantiate the blackbox. In order to take advantage of diplomatic memory mapping on the system bus, we still have to integrate the peripheral at the Chisel level by instantiating a LazyModule wrapper that instantiates a TileLink RegisterNode.
class GCDTL(params: GCDParams, beatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClockSinkDomain(ClockSinkParameters())(p) {
val device = new SimpleDevice("gcd", Seq("ucbbar,gcd"))
val node = TLRegisterNode(Seq(AddressSet(params.address, 4096-1)), device, "reg/control", beatBytes=beatBytes)
override lazy val module = new GCDImpl
class GCDImpl extends Impl with HasGCDTopIO {
val io = IO(new GCDTopIO)
withClockAndReset(clock, reset) {
// How many clock cycles in a PWM cycle?
val x = Reg(UInt(params.width.W))
val y = Wire(new DecoupledIO(UInt(params.width.W)))
val gcd = Wire(new DecoupledIO(UInt(params.width.W)))
val status = Wire(UInt(2.W))
val impl_io = if (params.useBlackBox) {
val impl = Module(new GCDMMIOBlackBox(params.width))
} else {
val impl = Module(new GCDMMIOChiselModule(params.width))
impl_io.clock := clock
impl_io.reset := reset.asBool
impl_io.x := x
impl_io.y := y.bits
impl_io.input_valid := y.valid
y.ready := impl_io.input_ready
gcd.bits := impl_io.gcd
gcd.valid := impl_io.output_valid
impl_io.output_ready := gcd.ready
status := Cat(impl_io.input_ready, impl_io.output_valid)
io.gcd_busy := impl_io.busy
// DOC include start: GCD instance regmap
0x00 -> Seq(
RegField.r(2, status)), // a read-only register capturing current status
0x04 -> Seq(
RegField.w(params.width, x)), // a plain, write-only register
0x08 -> Seq(
RegField.w(params.width, y)), // write-only, y.valid is set on write
0x0C -> Seq(
RegField.r(params.width, gcd))) // read-only, gcd.ready is set on read
// DOC include end: GCD instance regmap
class GCDAXI4(params: GCDParams, beatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClockSinkDomain(ClockSinkParameters())(p) {
val node = AXI4RegisterNode(AddressSet(params.address, 4096-1), beatBytes=beatBytes)
override lazy val module = new GCDImpl
class GCDImpl extends Impl with HasGCDTopIO {
val io = IO(new GCDTopIO)
withClockAndReset(clock, reset) {
// How many clock cycles in a PWM cycle?
val x = Reg(UInt(params.width.W))
val y = Wire(new DecoupledIO(UInt(params.width.W)))
val gcd = Wire(new DecoupledIO(UInt(params.width.W)))
val status = Wire(UInt(2.W))
val impl_io = if (params.useBlackBox) {
val impl = Module(new GCDMMIOBlackBox(params.width))
} else {
val impl = Module(new GCDMMIOChiselModule(params.width))
impl_io.clock := clock
impl_io.reset := reset.asBool
impl_io.x := x
impl_io.y := y.bits
impl_io.input_valid := y.valid
y.ready := impl_io.input_ready
gcd.bits := impl_io.gcd
gcd.valid := impl_io.output_valid
impl_io.output_ready := gcd.ready
status := Cat(impl_io.input_ready, impl_io.output_valid)
io.gcd_busy := impl_io.busy
0x00 -> Seq(
RegField.r(2, status)), // a read-only register capturing current status
0x04 -> Seq(
RegField.w(params.width, x)), // a plain, write-only register
0x08 -> Seq(
RegField.w(params.width, y)), // write-only, y.valid is set on write
0x0C -> Seq(
RegField.r(params.width, gcd))) // read-only, gcd.ready is set on read
Within the LazyModule, the regmap
function can be called to attach wires and
registers to the MMIO port.
0x00 -> Seq(
RegField.r(2, status)), // a read-only register capturing current status
0x04 -> Seq(
RegField.w(params.width, x)), // a plain, write-only register
0x08 -> Seq(
RegField.w(params.width, y)), // write-only, y.valid is set on write
0x0C -> Seq(
RegField.r(params.width, gcd))) // read-only, gcd.ready is set on read
6.11.4. Defining a Chip with a BlackBox
Since we’ve parameterized the GCD instantiation to choose between the Chisel and the Verilog module, creating a config is easy.
class GCDAXI4BlackBoxRocketConfig extends Config(
new chipyard.example.WithGCD(useAXI4=true, useBlackBox=true) ++ // Use GCD blackboxed verilog, connect by AXI4->Tilelink
new freechips.rocketchip.rocket.WithNBigCores(1) ++
new chipyard.config.AbstractConfig)
You can play with the parameterization of the mixin to choose a TL/AXI4, BlackBox/Chisel version of the GCD.
6.11.5. Software Testing
The GCD module has a more complex interface, so polling is used to check the status of the device before each triggering read or write.
int main(void)
uint32_t result, ref, x = 20, y = 15;
// wait for peripheral to be ready
while ((reg_read8(GCD_STATUS) & 0x2) == 0) ;
reg_write32(GCD_X, x);
reg_write32(GCD_Y, y);
// wait for peripheral to complete
while ((reg_read8(GCD_STATUS) & 0x1) == 0) ;
result = reg_read32(GCD_GCD);
ref = gcd_ref(x, y);
if (result != ref) {
printf("Hardware result %d does not match reference value %d\n", result, ref);
return 1;
printf("Hardware result %d is correct for GCD\n", result);
return 0;
6.11.6. Support for Verilog Within Chipyard Tool Flows
There are important differences in how Verilog blackboxes are treated by various flows within the Chipyard framework. Some flows within Chipyard rely on FIRRTL in order to provide robust, non-invasive transformations of source code. Since Verilog blackboxes remain blackboxes in FIRRTL, their ability to be processed by FIRRTL transforms is limited, and some advanced features of Chipyard may provide weaker support for blackboxes. Note that the remainder of the design (the “non-Verilog” part of the design) may still generally be transformed or augmented by any Chipyard FIRRTL transform.
Verilog blackboxes are fully supported for generating tapeout-ready RTL
HAMMER workflows offer robust support for integrating Verilog blackboxes
FireSim relies on FIRRTL transformations to generate a decoupled FPGA simulator. Therefore, support for Verilog blackboxes in FireSim is currently limited but rapidly evolving. Stay tuned!
Custom FIRRTL transformations and analyses may sometimes be able to handle blackbox Verilog, depending on the mechanism of the particular transform
As mentioned earlier in this section, BlackBox
resource files must
be integrated into the build process, so any project providing
resources must be made visible to the tapeout
in build.sbt
6.11.7. Differences between HasBlackBoxPath
and HasBlackBoxResource
Chisel provides two mechanisms for integrating blackbox files into a Chisel project that work slightly differently in Chipyard: HasBlackBoxPath
and HasBlackBoxResource
incorporates extra files by looking up the relative path of the files within the src/main/resources
area of project.
This requires that the file added by addResource
is present in the src/main/resources
area and is not auto-generated (the file is static throughout the lifetime of generating RTL).
This is due to the fact that when the Chisel sources are compiled they are put in a jar
file, along with the src/main/resources
area, and that jar
is used to run the Chisel generator.
Files referenced by the addResource
must be located within this jar
file during the Chisel elaboration.
Thus if a file is generated during Chisel generation it will not be present in the jar
file until the next time the Chisel sources are compiled.
differs in that it incorporates extra files by using an absolute path to them.
Later in the build process, the FIRRTL compiler will copy the file from that location to the generated sources directory.
Thus, the file must be present before the FIRRTL compiler is run (i.e. the file doesn’t need to be in the src/main/resources
or it can be auto-generated during Chisel elaboration).
Additionally, both mechanisms do not enforce the order of files added. For example:
In this case, fileA
is not guaranteed to be before fileB
when passed to downstream tools.
To bypass this, it is recommended to auto-generate a single file with the ordering needed by concatenating the files and using addPath
given by HasBlackBoxPath
An example of this is https://github.com/ucb-bar/ibex-wrapper/blob/main/src/main/scala/IbexCoreBlackbox.scala.