8.7. Creating Clocks in the Test Harness

Chipyard currently allows the SoC design (everything under ChipTop) to have independent clock domains through diplomacy. ChipTop clock ports are driven by harnessClockInstantiator.requestClock(freq). ChipTop reset ports are driven by the referenceReset() function, which is intended to provide an asynchronous reset.

The HarnessBinder s in ChipTop are clocked by the HarnessBinderClockFrequencyKey value. The reset is provided as a synchronous reset, sync’d to the clock.

Requests for a harness clock is done by the HarnessClockInstantiator class in generators/chipyard/src/main/scala/harness/HarnessClocks.scala. Then you can request a clock and syncronized reset at a particular frequency by invoking the requestClock function. Take the following example:

        val memOverSerialTLClock = th.harnessClockInstantiator.requestClockHz("mem_over_serial_tl_clock", memFreq)
        val serial_bits = port.bits
        port.clock := th.harnessBinderClock
        val harnessMultiClockAXIRAM = TSIHarness.connectMultiClockAXIRAM(

Here you can see the th.harnessClockInstantiator is used to request a clock and reset at memFreq frequency.