7.1. FireMarshal
FireMarshal is a workload generation tool for RISC-V based systems. It currently only supports the FireSim FPGA-accelerated simulation platform.
Workloads in FireMarshal consist of a series of Jobs that are assigned
to logical nodes in the target system. If no jobs are specified, then the
workload is considered uniform
and only a single image will be produced for
all nodes in the system. Workloads are described by a json
file and a
corresponding workload directory and can inherit their definitions from
existing workloads. Typically, workload configurations are kept in
although you can use any directory you like. We provide a few
basic workloads to start with including buildroot or Fedora-based linux
distributions and bare-metal.
Once you define a workload, the marshal
command will produce a
corresponding boot-binary and rootfs for each job in the workload. This binary
and rootfs can then be launched on qemu or spike (for functional simulation), or
installed to a platform for running on real RTL (currently only FireSim is
To get started, checkout the full FireMarshal documentation.